Overview of Exam

IT Specialist Javascript Certification

The IT Specialist JavaScript assess introductory material related to the JavaScript language. Candidates for this exam will demonstrate that they can recognize, write, and debug JavaScript code that will logically solve a problem.

The exam is split into 5 Objective Domains, containing various skills:

1: JavaScript Operators, Methods, and Keywords
  • 1.1 Complete and debug code that uses assignment and arithmetic operators
    • Assignment, increment, decrement, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, modulus, compound assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=)
  • 1.2 Apply JavaScript best practices
    • Comments, indentation, naming conventions, noscript, constants, reserved keywords, debugger keyword, setting breakpoints, console.log
  • 1.3 Evaluate the use of internal and external scripts
    • When to use, how to use, and what happens when scripts are used at multiple levels
  • 1.4 Implement exception handling
    • try, catch, finally
  • 1.5 Complete and debug code that interacts with the Browser Object Model (BOM)
    • Displaying dialogs, determining screen size
2. Variables, Data Types, and Functions
  • 2.1 Declare and use variables of primitive data types
    • Number, Boolean, String, null, undefined, type of operator, type-checking functions, use strict, converting between data types (parseInt, parseFloat), formatting numbers, string operations, eval(), toFixed(), toLocaleString(), toPrecision(), single quote vs. double quote (nesting), initialization
  • 2.2 Declare and use arrays
    • Single-dimensional arrays; multidimensional arrays; iteration; initialization; defining, sorting, and searching an array; push, pop, shift, and unshift, methods; length property; accessing an array element
  • 2.3 Complete and debug code that uses objects
    • Properties, methods, instantiation, Date object, retrieving date and time parts, localizing date format (MM/DD vs. DD/MM), adding and subtracting dates
  • 2.4 Complete and debug code that uses built-in Math functions
    • random, round, abs, floor, ceil, min, max, pow, sqrt
  • 2.5 Complete and debug functions that accept parameters and return values
    • Reusable code, local vs. global scope, redefining variables, passing parameters, value vs. reference, return values
3. Decisions and Loops
  • 3.1 Evaluate expressions that use logical and comparison operators
    • !=, <, >, <=, >=, !, ==, &&, ||
  • 3.2 Complete and debug decision statements
    • Single alternative (if), dual alternative (if else), multiple alternative (switch), nested if
  • 3.3 Complete and debug loops
    • for, for in, while, do while, break, continue
4. Document Object Model
  • 4.1 Identify and construct the Document Object Model (DOM) tree
    • window, document, body, other HTML elements
  • 4.2 Identify and handle document, form, keyboard, and mouse events
    • onload, onfocus, onblur, onchange, onkeydown, onkeyup, onkeypress, onclick, onmouseover, onmouseout
  • 4.3 Complete and debug code that outputs to an HTML document
    • document.write, innerHTML, textContent 
  • 4.4 Complete and debug code that locates, modifies, and adds HTML elements and attributes to documents
    • getElementById, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByClassName, setAttribute, createElement
  • 4.5 Create events using event handlers and listeners
    • DOM events, HTML attribute event, addEventListener
5. HTML Forms
  • 5.1 Complete and debug code that retrieves form input and sets field values
    • Retrieving form values; identifying the DOM path; getting values from different types of elements; prepopulating, masking, and updating values
  • 5.2 Complete and debug code that performs input validation
    • Case, string comparisons, Not-A-Number (NaN), not blank
  • 5.3 Describe the form submission process
    • onsubmit, POST vs. GET, potential targets for submission

Exam Format

You will be able to take the exam from your own personal device using the Certiport Compass Broswer, or by going to a certified testing center to take it in-person. 

The exam is 45 minutes in length, and contains 38 questions.

All questions will be written in the format of either multiple choice, drag and drop, dropdown, and ordering. Questions will assess your ability to answer basic questions about the JavaScript language, fill in missing code segments, interpret code output, and detect errors in code.

You can read a bit more about the JavaScript exam, as well as other exams that IT Specialist offers, at the following link: https://certiport.pearsonvue.com/Certifications/ITSpecialist/Certification/Overview
