Two Ways to Transform Bloom’s Taxonomy for AI Education

I earned my degree in science, not education, so I discovered Bloom’s Taxonomy a few years into my longer than I’d like to admit teaching career. For those unfamiliar, Bloom’s Taxonomy structures thinking skills from basic remembering to complex creating. The goal of using it is to help craft lessons and assessments that promote higher-level […]

aiEDU and Miami EdTech Partner to Advance AI Education with New Tools and Resources

In partnership wit aiEDU’s latest release of free AI education resources, now including Spanish-language AI Snapshots created in partnership with Miami EdTech. These tools are part of a broader effort to prepare educators and students for an AI-driven future. aiEDU’s offerings include: AP Computer Science Projects: Standards-aligned tasks for AI Literacy. AI Snapshots (Grades 6-12): […]

My ‘Wait, That’s AI?’ Moment with Google’s Notebook.lm

Just when I thought I had been normalized to new AI things, I heard a story on NPR that managed to blow my mind. They were talking about a new tool from Google called Notebook.lm. In the story, they talked about how you can turn anything into a podcast. They played a clip and at […]
