The Importance of Formative Assessments

Formative assessments are a powerful tool that not only allows a teacher to gauge where his/her students are and aid in personalizing learning, but also allows the student to reflect on what and how they are learning. Thinking about thinking is one of the 16 Habits of Mind that help us navigate situations when we don’t […]

Teachers vs. Tech

What has the biggest impact on student achievement? The teacher or the tech? In an article titled, “Why the Teachers vs Tech Narrative Must Go” Matthew Lynch argues that tech is never going to replace the teacher. He says, “Research studies consistently have shown that the single most significant indicator of student success is the […]

ISTE 2018 Day 2 Highlights

On Tuesday I attended a session called Leveraging Innovation: The Classroom Startup. I picked this one over so many others because it sounded like it was right in line with what I try to do in the classroom.  Amanda Lanicek, Andi McNair and Don Wettrick were the presenters. It turned out to be mostly about […]

Characteristics of a Digital Pedagogy

Leveraging technology in education has created the need for a shift in pedagogy. Now, when planning curriculum, educators need to think about Digital Pedagogy. “Broadly defined, digital pedagogy is the use of electronic elements to enhance or to change to experience of education.” But what are the characteristics of a Digital Pedagogy? TeachThought has presented […]
