ISTE 2018 Day 1 Highlights


Reporting live from ISTE 2018 in Chicago!

Earlier today, I was able to see Kasey Bell, author of Shake Up Learning, talk about how to create a more dynamic learning environment (engaging) – compared to a static learning environment (boring). Of course, technology can play a huge role in that. Kasey says,

“Dynamic learning is learning characterized by constant change, activity, and progress. This is where learning lives, grows, connects, and extends beyond the boundaries of the class day, beyond the physical location, beyond using tools as digital substitutes, and even beyond due dates; supporting critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity skills.”

You can read more about HOW to create a more engaging lesson in her post Dynamic Learning v. Static Learning (DO THIS, NOT THAT).

How have you used technology to change a lesson in order to make it more engaging?

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