Local nonprofits in the K-12 STEAM space have recently launched the Miami STEAM Coalition to approach the gaps, opportunities and solutions through a Collective Impact approach as well as advocate for the requisite funding and support for implementation.

Miami-dade STEAM coalition

The Goal of the STEAM Coalition is to address the challenges we have in Miami-Dade with regard to access to high quality STEAM programming for our students

Each student in Miami should have access to high-quality STEAM education both in and out of school, and the STEAM Coalition seeks to achieve this goal. Miami’s STEAM Coalition is committed to collectively approaching STEAM education in order to enhance the quality and reach of its members.

STEAM Education


Study of the structure and behavior of the world


Tools & innovative devices, uses & enhanced abilities


Purposeful innovation, creation & analysis


Humanities, ethics, ideals & expression


Fact organizing base language

Our Approach

Collective impact brings people together in a structured way to achieve social change and implements these five conditions:

• It starts with a common agenda
• It establishes shared measurement
• It fosters mutually reinforcing activities
• It encourages continuous communications
• And it has a strong Backbone

Stem education

Research shows that exposure to high-quality STEM education in K-12 is critical to develop the STEM workforce of the future

In Miami-Dade County, not all students have access to high-quality STEM programming for a variety of reasons, and without this exposure, they are at risk of not entering an in-demand STEM workforce.

In 2018, almost 2.5 million science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, or STEM, jobs would go unfilled in the United States, according to the (Smithsonian Science Education Center exacerbated by f 2018). Five “critical gaps” in the STEM workforce of the future.

The Critical Gaps

A fundamental
skills gap

Limited numbers achieving the foundational skills necessary for future success in STEM careers

A belief gap

young people, and many of the adults around them, hold incorrect beliefs about the aptitude or traits needed to belong and strive in STEM fields

A postsecondary education gap

the new knowledge economy requires credentials beyond a high school diploma, but not enough young people are earning those credentials

A geographic gap

Hubs of economic growth are far, located away from large concentrations of qualified job seekers in urban centers

A demographic gap

The disproportionate participation in STEM jobs based on race, gender, and income persists, despite decades of focus on diversity and inclusion

Backbone Organizations

Miami EdTech

Miami EdTech is a registered 501(c)(3) education technology non-profit organization on a mission to address the biggest challenges we face in education through innovation and technology.

The Fab Lab Miami

Fab Lab Miami aims to inspire and nurture the pursuit of coursework and careers in STEAM through a maker-driven, hands-on experience with digital fabrication and STEAM activities.


CSTA Miami

CSTA Miami is dedicated to connecting with other computer science teachers, providing professional development to help improve craft and connect local voices to the national computer science education community.

S.E.E.K. Foundation

SEEK Foundation partners with communities to provide equitable access to STEM/STEAM education and opportunities.

Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a
better place.

Moonlighter FabLab

Moonlighter FabLab is a 501(c)3 non-profit S.T.E.A.M. Learning Center and Fabrication Lab in Miami, Florida dedicated to empowering makers with the skills, tools, and opportunities to shape a better future.

Frost Science

The Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science is a leading science museum dedicated to sharing the power of science, sparking wonder and investigation, and fueling innovation for the future.


Code/Art is a nonprofit dedicated to increasing the number of girls studying computer science by delighting and inspiring them with the creative possibilities of computer programming.

Maker Faire

Maker Faire is a gathering of fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and love sharing what they can do, from engineers to artists to scientists to crafters.

Girls Inc.

Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold through direct service and advocacy. They learn to value themselves, take risks, and discover and develop their inherent strengths.

Miami Connected

Miami Connected is an effort to bring no-cost broadband internet service, digital skills training, and career opportunities in technology to students and their families in Miami-Dade County.

The Allapatah Collaborative, CDC

The Allapattah Collaborative, CDC implements place-making techniques to foster identity and support wealth-building strategies for marginalized communities of color.

Dream in Green

Dream in Green’s mission is to empower individuals, especially youth, to lead in the response to climate change and other environmental challenges facing South Florida since 2006.

BAMN Robotics

BAMN Robotics is a local Non-Profit organization that provides coding and engineer design process through competitive robotics for at risk youth.

Dibia Dream

Founded in 2013, Dibia DREAM provides a safe place after school, on the weekends, and in the summer with caring, responsible adults and engaging activities.

Nyah Project

Nyah Project bridges systemic opportunity gaps through transformative leadership fellowships abroad and tech enabled college access strategy coaching for youth from underserved backgrounds.

Tech Girl Power

Tech Girl Power is on a mission to provide quality STEM education to girls from lower socio-economic levels who are experiencing a digital and technology divide.

Black Girls Who M.A.T.H Logo

Black Girls Who M.A.T.H

Black Girls Who M.A.T.H is a community and non-profit with a goal to empower limitless futures: revolutionize Black women and girls in math to lead, innovate, and shape the world.

Research Partner

University of Miami

University of Miami is a vibrant and diverse academic community focused on teaching and learning, the discovery of new knowledge, and service to the South Florida region and beyond.




12:00PM - 1:30PM




6:00PM - 8:00PM




12:00PM - 1:00PM




10:00AM - 12:00PM




10:00AM - 12:00PM


Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS)

Miami-Dade County Public Schools contains 516 schools and 347,307 students. The district’s minority enrollment is 90%. Also, 51.8% of students are economically disadvantaged.

By adding a focus on pre-K to Grade-12 education, we can realize more
equitable access to STEM learning in and out of school, broaden participation
in STEM to truly “grow our own” and benefit our diverse community, and
seek to better sustain the tech focus our colleagues are working to achieve in Miami-Dade County.
