Cohort 1 – January 2018
Berethea Howard
Berethea Howard wanted to find a way to help seniors learn how to apply for jobs online while also leveraging current teachers through an uber-type model.
Emily Pascual
Emily Pascual (former employee at Genius Plaza) participated to learn how to take an idea on improving math outcomes through use of virtual reality in the k-12 classroom.
Eric Steen and Mohamed Kamara
Eric Steen and Mohamed Kamara were both TFA and focused on creating a tool for high school students to have a better grip on what they need to do to graduate on time (MyStudentBlueprint).
Geoffrey Aladro
Geoff Aladro was the 2016 Miami-Dade County Public Schools teacher of the year and created a prototype for his idea around small-group creation and differentiated instruction.
Goran Dimitrov
Samantha Pratt
Dave Ostergren and Samantha Pratt, Teach for America teachers focused on creating a Social Emotional Learning app for Middle School students (KlickEngage).
Sharlyn Williams
Sharlynn Williams wanted to find a way to safely monitor and track young students (pk-2) through biometric tracking.
Viera Academy
Viera Academy provides a playground e-learning platform that specializes in Standardized Tests, as well as world level Mental Math and Memory courses, for HS.