New Classroom Model – No Need to Flip Out!

The flipped classroom model is a new trend in education, made only possible with the implementation of technology in schools. In a traditional classroom, the teacher lectures (or “dumps” information), then the students complete some kind of assignment and if they don’t finish, it becomes homework. In a flipped classroom, the students prepare for class […]

Time for a Vocab Quiz – the Edtech Kind, Of Course

The words you use matter. If you are interested in getting into the edtech start-up space, check out this article, 10 Words Every Edtech Entrepreneur Should Know, by Matthew Lynch to get you started on beefing up your edtech vocabulary. “Ask any successful Edtech Entrepreneur, and he/she will tell you that it is imperative to know […]

Using Slack to Promote Critical Thinking

I am all about using real world tech tools in the classroom. They not only are the best way I have found for students to collaborate and be accountable to each other, but they also enhance interpersonal skills and help prepare them for the digital world. In the article How Using Slack Can Improve Socratic […]
