
Beyond the Basics: Unleashing Canva’s AI Magic in the Classroom

Canva has always been one of my favorite tools – to use both professionally and personally. I even love to get my students to use it. I think it is important to expose students to industry-level technology, not only educational technology. For example, in addition to Canva for creation and design, students can use Trello […]

A revved Up Summer : Unleashing the Future of STEAM with Electric Vehicles and Infento!

It’s hard to believe that Halloween is just around the corner! It feels like yesterday we were celebrating the success of the EV Evolution Camp led by Miami Dade College and powered by Infento- our Electric Vehicle STEAM Partner! Young adventurers aged 12-17 spent their summer break exploring the exciting world of electric vehicles (EVs). […]

Empowering Young Minds with Python and Drones

My name is Tatenda and I’m so excited to be on the team as a Technologist and Learning Coordinator for Miami EdTech. I recently graduated with a Bachelors in Computer Science at FIU (go Panthers!). As a new graduate and now working in the tech field, an exciting start was being able to attend the […]

Microsoft awards $125,000 to Miami EdTech

The EdXpert, powered by Microsoft program provides Miami-Dade County public school K-12 STEM teachers with computer science based professional development opportunities, and focuses on Title I schools and those scoring low in Teacher Professional Development. EdXpert, powered by Microsoft is a “train-the-trainer” program which builds capacity for teachers to deliver computer science and technology-enabled lessons […]

Computer Science Teachers Association Launches in Miami!

CSTA Miami

With over 25,000 members from more than 145 countries, The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) is a membership organization that supports and promotes the teaching of computer science. We’re excited to announce our partnership and leadership in the launch of the CSTA Miami Chapter! What does CSTA do?  CSTA provides opportunities for K–12 teachers and […]

When the Soft Skills Become the Hard Skills

At the International Conference on Thinking in Miami this year, over and over again the speakers mentioned how important it is for our students to  master the soft skills. Employers care less bout the academic content a student has memorized and more about things like flexibility, creativity, and productivity.  Focusing on the soft skills just […]
