
Learning: Always the Goal


In the classroom, it can be easy to get lost in the technology – it’s new and exciting and pretty and there’s always something new to try.  Teachers often need support and training to effectively use technology, and that’s where instructional technology coaches come in.

In the article, How Instructional Technology Coaching Can Help Teachers Create Powerful Learning Experiences, Kathleen Sheehy and Leslie Ceballos argue, 

Students need technology that will help them meet their existing learning goals. They don’t need new learning goals that rely on a fancy new technology tool the coach or teacher wants to use. What teachers need most from coaches isn’t adding more tools; it’s meeting all of their students’ needs.

They recommend four ways that instructional technology coaches can achieve that goal: 

  1. Engage in Learning about technology and the content areas of the teachers you support.
  2. Take a Leadership role in your school around using technology.
  3. Work side-by-side with teachers in classrooms, using technology for Teaching to meet learning goals.
  4. Focus on the digital Citizenship of the students and teachers at your school. 

You can read more about it here

What is your experience with instructional technology coaching? 

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