

New Apprentice at Miami Edtech

Hi! My name is María José, and I’m all about creating designs that are not only beautiful but also inclusive for everyone. Growing up in Miami, Florida, I was surrounded by a mix of cultures and vibrant art, which really shaped my love for creativity and diversity. It was in this environment that I developed a deep appreciation for aesthetics and functionality, which is what I strive to always incorporate and blend into every project I undertake so that others will benefit from my work in the long run.

In my household, creativity flowed endlessly. My father’s expertise in TV production and photography, alongside my mother’s prowess in brand creation and customer experience research, became my guiding lights. My mother’s innovative campaigns for brands and her role as the first international reporter in Miami instilled in me a deep appreciation for storytelling and the power of branding.

A stint in college studying psychology paved the way for me to embark on my journey into the world of design. It’s because of this background that I have gained valuable understanding into how people perceive the world and their feelings, which has helped me greatly in my work as a designer. I gained a big passion to work on mental health issues, and I strongly believe that a good design can play a crucial role in helping to improve people’s lives. My goal is to create solutions that are not only functional but also resonate emotionally with users.

My journey into the world of design took a significant turn when I attended the Flatiron School bootcamp in New York. Despite the intense and rewarding nature of the experience, I grew in both knowledge and skills that have enabled me to pursue a career in UX/UI design in the future.

A big factor that appeals to me about UX/UI design is the unique blend of creativity and technical challenge that it offers. When you’re given an idea, you want to take it and make it tangible, something that users can interact with and benefit from, something that is going to make their lives better. Being able to see the end result of what I’m building is an incredibly satisfying feeling, especially when I’m sure that it’s going to be the best it can be. Ultimately, it all boils down to making something you can be proud of and that people will enjoy using for a long time to come.

In addition to design, I have a deep passion for painting. Whether it’s creating mixed media art or capturing the essence of a moment on canvas, painting allows me to explore my creativity in a different medium. This artistic pursuit complements my design work, providing me with a broader perspective and enhancing my overall approach to aesthetics and user experience.

What kind of day will it be?, 2020
One and the same, 2021
At a figure drawing session, 2022
Crowdsurfing, Turnstile show at the Brooklyn Mirage, 2022
Man drawing scultpure at the MET, 2021

My first day at Miami Edtech was a mix of excitement and nerves. There was a bit of imposter syndrome going on for me, I won’t lie. However, the team at Miami Edtech was wonderful and worked with me to help me ease into the process. The morning started with a team huddle held via video call, where we formally introduced ourselves to the team members who are based in Dallas, Venezuela, Colombia and Puerto Rico. Having the opportunity to be a part of a group that is so diverse and supportive is very reassuring. I found the onboarding process for the apprenticeship itself to be smooth and positive. I felt it gave me a clear understanding of what I could expect and how I could contribute to the process.

What I hope to achieve in this apprenticeship is a deeper understanding of all things UX/UI. I want to keep up with and apply new trends and advancements to the design process, constantly improving and exploring the different areas that the UX/UI design world has to offer. One area I’m particularly eager to develop skills in is motion graphics. I believe that adding dynamic elements to design can greatly enhance user experience, and I’m excited to learn more about this field.

Miami Edtech is the perfect place for me to grow professionally because their mission aligns so well with my own values and I respect their good practice. They are committed to helping us grow as professionals and genuinely care about our success. The fact that they are so community-oriented is incredibly motivating for me. In such a positive environment, I am inspired to work hard and push to achieve my best.

My long-term goal is to use the skills I develop in this apprenticeship to work on projects that involve mental health and telemedicine. I want to contribute in a meaningful way. Besides providing me with the technical skills I need, this apprenticeship fosters an environment that encourages professional and personal growth.

A big thank you to the Miami Edtech team for this amazing opportunity. I am nothing but eager and excited to experience this journey with all of you. I’m looking forward to learning, growing, and dedicating myself to projects that make a real difference. Here’s to a fantastic adventure ahead!

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