What a Good Digital Citizen Curriculum Needs

A good teacher has never just been concerned with imparting subject matter to students. A good teacher also aims to improve the students’ interpersonal skills such as listening and negotiating. However, in today’s world, a third thing is important for students to master: the skills needed to be a good digital citizen. In the article, […]
How Virtual Social Learning Can Happen

Teaching and learning online is becoming more and more common. One concern for students under 18 is the missing social education component from a tradition classroom. However, in the article How Can Teachers Increase Social Learning While Teaching Online, Jacqui Murray argues, “Traditional classrooms were a conduit for social learning where students could sit together and […]
Two Birds, One Innovative Technological Stone

The “net-zero” building boom is coming from a seemingly unlikely place: k-12 Schools. In the article “How students learn from super green schools that use zero energy” Chris Berdik says, “Dozens of these ultra-green schools are going up in every sort of district – urban and rural, affluent and lower income, blue state and red […]
When Edtech Companies Just Don’t Understand

Edtech is a huge market – almost 1.2 BILLION was spent on new edtech in American school systems. However, only about 60% of teachers think the edtech they use in the classroom is actually meeting their needs and/or the needs of the students. The right edtech with the right training can not only make teachers’ […]