Changes are Coming…

In the article “Employers Are Changing How They View Training. Here are Education Trends They See Coming” by Jeffrey R. Young, Young points out that “Many of the largest employers in the country are changing how they approach offering training and education benefits to their employees.”   Several possible education trends discussed in the article […]

How to Foster Your Child’s Interest in Coding

Many parents know that computer science education is important and that job opportunities in the CS field are growing. However, for those parents who are not the most tech savvy or haven’t been exposed to a CS education themselves, supporting their child can be overwhelming and intimidating.   Good news! According to Madhu Govind and […]

Give Miami Day Robotics Competition

Closing the STEM skills gap Recognizing the growing demand for a local skilled technical workforce, Miami EdTech and have partnered to bring Computer Science and Robotics Programming to middle and high schools. Thanks to the support of Microsoft, students were able to receive prizes and a pizza party as part of the inaugural competition.  […]

Future of Work – PBS Special

Future of Work – Webinar Recording Future of Work explores monumental changes in the workplace and the long-term impact on workers, employers, educators and communities. Employment is part of the American Dream. Will the future provide opportunities for jobs that sustain families and the nation? In this webinar, we talked about the Future of Work […]

Have You Tried These Edtech Tools?

As educators, we have had to deal with unprecedented change. It is hard to keep your head above water, let alone have the mental space to try new tech. As Jennifer Gonzalez of Cult of Pedagogy says, “It’s hard to imagine a time in recent history when we had more distractions, more challenges, more stuff […]

Groupwork ≠ Collaboration

As educators we all make mistakes. However, one of the biggest mistakes I have made in my teaching career is assuming that just because I put my kids in groups that they are collaborating. I am passionate about preparing students for life after college and I try to keep the 21st Century skills in mind […]

Good News: You don’t have to be an expert

Recently, I was having a conversation with one of my teachers. She came to me for help moving her project up the SAMR Model from augmentation to at least modification. I gave her one example of an industry level technology tool she could use with her students. I was excited about my suggestion and assumed […]

A Strengths Based Approach to Assigning Groups

One question I get a lot: How do I assign groups? Do I randomly assign them? Do I let them pick? Do I have a homogenous mixture or heterogeneous mixture of grades? My answer is D. None of the Above. I group my students based on their strengths. In my class, my students do alot […]

NFT Collection goes LIVE

Miami EdTech, a previous Microsoft grant recipient, works to develop capacity for teachers to deliver CS and technology-enabled lessons in their classrooms while also making CS education more inclusive and boosting the number and diversity of CS-savvy teachers. The rising number of social impact projects leveraging digital art in the nonfungible token (NFT) space marks […]

Miami EdTech joins William H. Turner Technical HS as Principal for a Day

Eagles Soar! The school district calls the event Principal Today, an annual initiative that invites community and business leaders to serve as the principal of a school for one day. The goal? To create synergy and connection between schools and the community at large. “I was so impressed with the school, students, and culture at […]
