What HyperDocs can do for You (and more importantly, your students)
I first learned about HyperDocs at the International Society for Technology in Education earlier this year. They were new to me, but they have been around for a little while. The HyperDoc Girls coined the term and published a book in 2016. So, what exactly is a hyperdoc? Basically, it is a hyperlinked document. Hyperlinks […]
The Importance of Formative Assessments
Formative assessments are a powerful tool that not only allows a teacher to gauge where his/her students are and aid in personalizing learning, but also allows the student to reflect on what and how they are learning. Thinking about thinking is one of the 16 Habits of Mind that help us navigate situations when we don’t […]
What’s Your Digital IQ?
In the article, How Educators Can Raise Their Digital IQ, Matthew Lynch says, Just as we strive to make advancements in other areas of our schools, educators should be working to raise their digital IQ. Setting a higher standard for teacher development in this area could have a major benefit to the students they serve. […]
Preparing for an Unknown World
When I was in school (not that long ago), my teachers prepared me for a known world. People went to school, got jobs with companies who offered insurance, worked for forty years and then retired with a pension. Today, teachers have to prepare our students for an unknown world. In the book, Inquiry and Innovation in the Classroom, […]
How Educators can Prepare for the Future (which is now)
Technology has changed pretty much every facet of our lives – including how we learn and therefore how we teach. Some have started to question what the role of the teacher is going to be in the future. Will we be replaced by artificial intelligence? In the post, “The Future Proof Educator,” Chris Young argues […]
And the Winner is…
The 2018 Tech Edvocate Awards have been announced! The education market is currently worth around $5 trillion globally, and it is forecasted that edtech investment alone will reach $252 billion by the year 2020,This growing investment into edtech start-ups has created some exciting changes in the world of education. Naturally, with increasing capital, the number […]
Learning: Always the Goal
In the classroom, it can be easy to get lost in the technology – it’s new and exciting and pretty and there’s always something new to try. Teachers often need support and training to effectively use technology, and that’s where instructional technology coaches come in. In the article, How Instructional Technology Coaching Can Help Teachers Create […]
How Edtech Can Help Your Classroom Management
With new technology in the classroom comes new opportunities for students to do things we probably don’t want them to do. Managing this and keeping them on task and engaged is a skill. In the article, Technology Helps Teachers Prevent and Mitigate Bad Behavior in the Classroom by Eli Zimmerman, he writes, “It can be difficult for […]
Teachers vs. Tech
What has the biggest impact on student achievement? The teacher or the tech? In an article titled, “Why the Teachers vs Tech Narrative Must Go” Matthew Lynch argues that tech is never going to replace the teacher. He says, “Research studies consistently have shown that the single most significant indicator of student success is the […]
Edtech Tools to Try This School Year
Not everyone likes to think about the school year over the summer, but if you are planning ahead like I am, you may be researching ways to leverage technology in your classroom. Luckily, in an article titled, 38 Amazing Edtech Tools for Student Creation and Innovation, Mathew Lynch has done some of the work for […]